MetLife Australia
MetLife Australia
MetLife Australia (parent company MetLife, Inc.) is a leading provider of life insurance, partnering with employers, super funds and financial advisers to help Australians protect the lifestyle they love – and providing help when they need it most.
Backed by over 150 years of history and a strong global presence, MetLife Australia has the scale and experience to be a valued and trusted partner.
MetLife protects customers in over 40 countries worldwide and leads the market in corporate insurance solutions in the US, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
More than 90 million people around the world have put their trust in MetLife, Inc. to protect what matters most – their families, their finances, and their future. MetLife, Inc. serves 90 of the top 100 Fortune 500 companies in the United States.
MetLife Protect and MetLife Protect Super
We've made it easier for you to protect what matters most as your life changes, by providing building blocks of flexible cover.
Information on this page was last updated on 15/07/2024 and is subject to change by the product issuer. While Choosi makes best endeavours to ensure the accuracy of this information, we recommend that you always consider the most up-to-date information on a product you are interested in, which will be available on each brand’s own website.
Life Cover
- MetLife offers an optional Specified Events Benefit under Life Cover, which is available to most white and blue collar occupations.
- Cover available from $50,000. Age eligibility applies.
- Other features include:
- Death Benefit.
- Terminal Illness Benefit – advance payment where illness is likely to result in your death within 24 months.
- Immediate Expenses Benefit3 – advanced payment of $30,000 (subject to approval).
- Involuntary Unemployment Premium Waiver Benefit – lump-sum premiums waived if you lose your job due to Involuntary Unemployment (up to 3 months while you are not working). This can be provided once in any 12-month period and for up to 6 months in total over the life of the Policy/Policies for Life Cover.
- Life Events Increases Feature –
- Personal events: ability to increase cover without medical underwriting under certain circumstances (the lesser of 25% of the original cover amount or $200,000, with the exception of increases under the home loan life event which is capped at the lesser of 50% of the original life cover amount and $500,000. Maximum increases allowed throughout the life of the policy under personal events is capped at $1,000,000). This feature expires when the Life Insured turns 55.
- Business events: as the Life Insured’s Business increases in value, their corresponding Business equity increases and/or the Policy forms a part of a loan guarantee, you can increase your Life Cover Amount and any Linked TPD Cover Amount without further medical underwriting. the maximum Cover Amount that you can increase is capped at the lesser of 50% of the original Life Cover Amount and $500,000. Maximum increase is capped at $3,000,000. You can increase cover under business events up to six times over the life of the Policy.
- Indexation4 – cover increases every year without health assessment (greater of CPI or 5%).
- Optional Extras1:
- Specified Events Benefit3 – additional payment if Life Insured suffers from a Specified Event as a result of an accident (subject to maximum payment limits).
- Buy/Sell Extras3, 4 – provides enhanced benefits to support your business succession plan (subject to maximum payment limits).
- Premium Waiver Disability Option – premiums waived for up to 6 months if Life Insured is Totally Disabled for a period of 12 months or when insured reaches age 65, returns to work or begins earning an income.
Life Cover expires when the Life Insured turns 130 for Policies held outside superannuation and at 75 for MetLife Protect Super and Life Cover held in an SMSF if you are paying premiums via personal contribution (unless premiums are being paid via rollover).
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Cover
- MetLife allows either Standalone TPD Cover or Linked TPD Cover to Life Cover.
- Cover from $50,000 up to $5,000,000 depending on age.
- Other features include:
- Any Occupation Benefit2 – payable if you suffer total and permanent disablement due to an Illness or Injury and are unable to continue in the workforce in any suitable occupation. Applicant must be under 65 and working at least 20 hours per week to be eligible. Excludes some occupations.
- Limited Earnings Benefit2,3 – payable if your earnings are unlikely to ever exceed 25% of your pre-disability earnings while retaining a limited capacity for work and you are not eligible for payment under any occupation benefit. This is only available for non-superannuation policies. If you have Standard TPD Cover inside superannuation, we will pay any TPD Benefits you are entitled to under the Policy inside superannuation under superannuation laws.
- Home Duties Benefit1 –
- For policies inside superannuation: payable if you’re permanently unable to do all of the defined Home Duties without another person’s help and is unlikely to ever be able to work again solely due to Illness or Injury.
- For policies outside superannuation: provides a benefit if the Life Insured has a permanent inability to do all of the Home Duties without another person’s help solely due to Illness or Injury.
- General Disability Benefit2 –
- For policies inside superannuation: payable if you’re permanently unable to do two or more of the defined Activities of Daily Living without another person’s help and are unlikely to ever be able to work again solely due to Illness or Injury.
- For policies outside superannuation: payable if you’re permanently unable to do two or more of the defined Activities of Daily Living without another person’s help solely due to Illness or Injury.
- Loss of Use of Limbs and/or Sight Benefit –
- For policies inside superannuation: payable as a result of Injury or Illness, the Life Insured suffers (as defined):
- Loss of Use of Limb – two or more limbs; or
- Blindness; or
- Both Loss of Use of Limb – single limb and Blindness – partial loss; and
- is unlikely to ever be able to work again solely due to Illness or Injury.
- For policies outside superannuation: payable as a result of Injury or Illness, the Life Insured suffers:
- Loss of Use of Limb – two or more limbs; or
- Blindness; or
- Both Loss of Use of Limb – single limb and Blindness – partial loss.
- For policies inside superannuation: payable as a result of Injury or Illness, the Life Insured suffers (as defined):
- Physical Disability Benefit3 – payable if you suffer Loss of Limb – single limb or Blindness – partial loss solely due to Illness or Injury, provided defined criteria is met. Pays 25% of the TPD cover amount, up to $500,000.
- Death Benefit – provides a $10,000 benefit if you pass away during the term of your Standalone TPD Cover (subject to approval).
- Life Events Extras Feature – ability to add Extras Cover without medical underwriting under certain circumstances.
- Life Events Increases Feature –
- Personal events: ability to increase cover without medical underwriting under certain circumstances (the lesser of 25% of the original cover amount or $200,000, with the exception of increases under the home loan life event which is capped at the lesser of 50% of the original Life Cover Amount and $500,000). Maximum increases allowed throughout the life of the Policy under personal events is capped at $1,000,000. This feature expires when the Life Insured turns 55.
- Business events: As the Life Insured’s Business increases in value, their corresponding Business equity increases and/or the Policy forms a part of a loan guarantee, you can increase your Life Cover Amount and any Linked TPD Cover Amount without further medical underwriting. the maximum Cover Amount that you can increase is capped at the lesser of 50% of the original Life Cover Amount and $500,000. Maximum increase is capped at $3,000,000. You can increase cover under business events up to six times over the life of the Policy.
- Indexation4 – cover increases every year without health assessment (greater of CPI or 5%).
- Optional Extras:
- Life Cover Buy Back Benefit4 – restores your linked Life Cover 14 days after a linked TPD benefit payment (expires age 75).
- Double Benefit (TPD)4 – restores your Linked Life Cover 14 days following full linked TPD Cover benefit payment without further evidence of health, occupation or pursuits1. The Life Insured must survive without a life support system for at least 14 days after the date they satisfy the applicable TPD Definition.
- Own Occupation Benefit3, 4 – covers the Life Insured’s permanent inability to ever work again in their Own Occupation, trade or profession solely due to Injury or Illness.
- Own Business Benefit4 – covers the Life Insured’s loss of ability to ever work again in their Business, solely due to Injury or Illness.
- Premium Waiver Disability Option – premiums waived for up to 6 months if Life Insured is Totally Disabled for a period of 12 months or when insured reaches age 65, returns to work or begins earning an income1.
TPD Cover expires when the Life Insured turns 75.
Trauma Cover
- Our Trauma Cover Reinstatement Option ensures cover remains and continues to provide protection for any conditions that arise as a result of Accidental Injury. Twelve months following your full or partial benefit payment, the Trauma Cover Amount is automatically reinstated.
- Cover from $30,000 up to $2,000,000 depending on age.
- Other benefits include3:
- Medical Travel Expenses Benefit – reimbursement of travel expenses for hospital treatment within Australia more than 100km from home (up to $5,000 for the life of the policy).
- Life Events Extras Feature – ability to add Extras Cover without medical underwriting under certain circumstances.
- Indexation4 – cover increases every year without health assessment (greater of CPI and 5%).
- Optional Extras:
- Life Cover Buy Back Option (Trauma)2 – restores your Linked Life Cover 12 months following a full or partial Linked Trauma Cover benefit payment, without the need for medical evidence (expires age 75).
- Double Benefit Option (Trauma)3,1 – restores your Linked Life Cover 14 days following a full Linked Trauma Cover benefit payment and waives future premiums on the restored Life Cover Amount until the Life Insured turns 65.
- Trauma Cover Reinstatement Option3 – restores your Trauma Cover Amount after we have paid a benefit under Standard Trauma Cover without the need to provide us with any additional health or other evidence until the age of 75.
- Premium Waiver Disability Option1 – premiums waived for up to 6 months if Life Insured is Totally Disabled for a period of 12 months or when insured reaches age 65, returns to work or begins earning an income.
- Individual Extras3 –
- Booster Benefit: provides an additional 50% of the Trauma Cover Amount to provide additional cash flow.
- Repeat Angioplasty Benefit: covers angioplasty on one or two arteries to treat coronary artery disease 12 months or more after a previous benefit payment for Angioplasty – single or double vessel. Up to 25% of the Trauma Cover Amount capped at $25,000.
- Advanced Diabetes Benefit: provides up to 100% of the Trauma Cover Amount for severe diabetes mellitus, either insulin or non-insulin dependent if the Life Insured suffers from Diabetes – severe with complications.
- Family Extras3,1 –
- Child Trauma Benefit – payable once only (up to 10% of the Trauma Cover Amount, capped at $50,000) for each Dependent Child, over the life of the Policy for circumstances where your Dependent Child is Diagnosed with one of the following specified serious Illnesses:
- Bacterial Meningitis
- Cancer – excluding specified early stage cancers
- Severe Crohn’s Disease
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Epilepsy
- Severe Ulcerative Colitis
- Family Assistance Expenses Benefit: payable if an immediate family member needs to travel more than 100km to help with family responsibilities once a claim under Trauma Cover has been paid. The benefit is a reimbursement of the direct travel and/or accommodation expenses up to $500 per day (max $5,000 for the life of the policy).
- Child Trauma Benefit – payable once only (up to 10% of the Trauma Cover Amount, capped at $50,000) for each Dependent Child, over the life of the Policy for circumstances where your Dependent Child is Diagnosed with one of the following specified serious Illnesses:
Trauma Cover benefits are reduced when the Life Insured turns 70 and cover expires when the Life Insured turns 75.
The following features are also available as part of your cover or to tailor your cover further:
- 5 and 10-year Fixed Term Option premium types, with Life, TPD and Trauma premiums guaranteed for the length of the term.
- True Level premium types (up to age 65 and up to age 70).
- Ability to pay premiums fortnightly, monthly or annually.
- Broad entry ages.
- 30-day cooling off period.
- Complimentary interim cover at no extra cost (subject to approval).
- Financial advice after claim – reimbursement of up to $5,000 to cover the costs associated with the preparation of a financial plan following a lump-sum claim outside super.
Additional premium applies for Optional Extras. Terms, conditions, limits, no claim periods and exclusions apply. Please consider the relevant PDS.
- Optional Extras Cover expires when the Life Insured turns 65.
- Only one of these Benefits will be payable under your Policy.
- Not available inside superannuation.
- Exclusion(s) apply.