Why you should consider getting a life coach

Life coaches can provide expertise and personalised advice to people at all stages of life. Whether it’s working out your long-term aspirations, getting out of a career rut, or achieving a greater level of overall happiness, life coaches can be there to support you through any challenge.
But are they a good fit for your needs? Here’s why you should consider if getting a life coach is the right approach for you.
What is a life coach and what expertise do they provide?
Simply put, a life coach is someone who can help you progress through different stages of life, whether it’s a challenge you are struggling to overcome or a goal you are trying to achieve. They will work on your aspirations, your mindset and your personal development to give you the tools you need to thrive.
Here are some of the categories a life coach might fall into. While some will be holistic coaches working across multiple or all sectors, others will offer individualised services according to their skill set:
- Business coaching
- Financial coaching
- Career coaching
- Relationship coaching
- Personal development coaching
- Health and wellbeing coaching
- Recovery (addiction) coaching
- Life-transition coaching
One drawback is the legitimacy of the title ‘life coach’. Because life coaching is an unregulated industry in Australia, literally anyone can call themselves a life coach. That means unlike accredited psychologists who are governed by a code of ethics, there is no body to which life coaches are held accountable. That’s why it’s important to do your research, read reviews from past clients and speak to any prospective life coach before committing to becoming a client.
Top benefits of a life coach: How can they help?
One of the reasons why people may seek out a life coach is because they can feel stuck, complacent or bored, especially with their careers. As Amie Duignan, Founder and Career Coach at AD Connects, says: “The sad reality is that we spend an insane amount of time at work – far more than what we class as the pastimes we love and enjoy. Let’s shift that reality.”
“With coaching we will ensure that you make choices to make you feel empowered, confident, nurtured, supported and happy. How would you feel then? A coach can help you find your confidence and ensure you’re spending those hours working in a way that works for you.”
They can also bring a fresh set of eyes to your situation. When you are stuck in a rut or unclear on where you want to be in life, it can be difficult to see the forest for the trees.
“We are the ones stuck in our own heads every day,” Duignan says. “Our own judgement, preconceptions and fears can impact our decisions in ways we don’t fully understand. How incredible is it to have the opportunity for a fresh set of objective eyes to help you make sense of your situation? Coaches are as invested in your success as you are, and bring the incredibly rare gift of a bias-free, empowering perspective to what lies ahead.”
Could a career coach be more appropriate than a life coach?
While life coaches are usually more focused on helping you improve your personal life, a career coach is all about getting you where you want to be in your professional life. Unfortunately, some people hear the words ‘career coach’ and think that only the high-earners or the corporate climbers can use their services. Duignan, who is a career coach herself, says that is absolutely not the case.
“The idea that to work with a career coach you need to be ‘big time’ is a myth that needs dispelling ASAP,” she says. “Career coaches work with anyone who’s building a career, which ends up being most of the human population. From university graduates getting started and needing direction, to senior executives looking at how to make an impact next; career coaches are there from beginning to middle to end.”
Duignan adds that finding the right career coach can be like discovering a compass that points you in the right direction.
“In a never-ending stream of job titles, position descriptions, cover letters, interviews, blog articles, people’s opinions and your own consciousness – information about what to do next in your career can be completely overwhelming. Why not block all of it out, wait for your weekly catch-up with your career coach and get objective, researched and thoughtful direction from someone whose entire career is built on helping you build yours?”
How to find the right coach
The internet makes it easier than ever to find the right coach for your life. You could do a Google search for coaches in your area and start researching ones that could potentially be the ideal fit. Make sure you check their reviews, read their blogs and have an initial phone call or face-to-face chat to see if your needs align with their services.
If finding a coach online sounds too risky or time-consuming, then consider taking advantage of your own professional network. You could speak to friends or co-workers who you know have been mentored or coached in the past, and ask for recommendations. Alternatively, you could reach out through your LinkedIn network and ask for suggestions for expert career coaches who have had great success in the past.
Taking on the challenges
While getting a life coach can help you prepare for – and guide you through – a range of life’s challenges, don’t forget about protecting the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to build. Choosi can help you find a life insurance policy that suits your needs, start comparing quotes today.
10 Nov 2022